Vibrators.com Announces The Quiet Vibrators Category -May 7, 2012
Vibrators.com analyzed hundres of sex toys to bring you the quietest vibrators in the world. Their new category page, Vibrators.com/quiet-vibrators.html is where customers can privately purchase a vibrator that will be easy to keep secret.Vibrators.com is very concerned about our customers’ privacy, that is why we maintain the world’s most discreet shipping methods, why we never e-mail customers, and why we offer people the most private way to shop and buy a vibrator. When you operate a business in this private manner, you would expect your customers will want to keep their purchase as private as possible. They want a quiet vibrator and we want to sell them exactly that!
In 2008 Vibrators.com purchased some sound measurement equipment and began using it to select new products. We eventually began ranking all of the existing items as well, and we have now published a sound rating for every toy that we sell. From all of these products, we chose only the quietest items to feature on the quiet-vibrators page. We expect our customers to be satisfied with the products.
About Vibrators.com: Vibrators.com helps you find the perfect vibrator for you, in a private, safe, and professional environment.
Tom Nardone, the founder and President of Vibrators.com is available for questions, comments or conversations at 1-800-809-0610.