The Vibrator Institute - See What The Buzz Is All About - Jan 18, 2010
What's that sound? Is it a whisper? Is it an electric toothbrush? More like a vacuum? A hotrod engine? If you need your vibrator to sound more like a whisper than a scream, Vibrators.com is here to help.Vibrators.com has partnered with The Vibrator Institute to bring customers unique tools to help them choose the very best vibrator. The Vibrator Institute uses specialized instruments to carefully test the sound and power levels of each sex toy Vibrators.com carries. Then experts analyze the resulting data, and each vibrator is given its appropriate sound and vibration level rating. Customers can read about what each rating means, and search for vibrators based on their sound and strength levels.
Vibrators.com is committed to helping women find the best vibrator to fit their individual needs. Some women prefer more powerful vibrators, while some list noise level as a top concern. The Vibrator Institute was created to address women's chief concerns when picking the perfect vibrator.
About Vibrators.com -- Vibrators.com sells exactly what you would assume it does; it just does so in an unexpected way. Vibrators.com is by far the most professional place to buy a vibrator. Our purchase guides, photographs and product descriptions are the best in the business. Vibrators.com also benefits from their parent company PriveCo's privacy policy and practices. The combination of knowledge and privacy make Vibrators.com the perfect place to buy a vibrator.
Vibrators.com falls under the PriveCo corporate umbrella. Tom Nardone, the President of PriveCo, The World's Most Private Company, is available for questions, comments or conversations at 1-800-809-0610. PriveCo Inc. is based in Troy, Michigan.