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The map above is color coded by country. Our experience with shipping to the countries above allows us to give an estimate of the time required to send a package to you. Some countries have frequent shipping flights and smooth trade relations with the US. Customers from these countries will receive their packages quickly.Other countries have less frequent shipping flights and may be subjected to more inspections. Shipping times to these countries can be significantly longer.
Some areas of the world have slow postal service. Customers in these countries may be subjected to a long wait.
Our experience has allowed us to color-code different areas. The color coding helps you estimate the shipping time.
International Shipping Prices:
PriveCo is proud to offer the best international shipping prices in our industry. International shipping starts at $6.60 and rises in price with package weight.
International Express Mail
Late International Packages
If your package has not arrived with 60 days and the products you ordered can be imported to your country we will send a replacement free of charge. Please send us an E-mail to let us know that your package has not arrived after 60 days. Please include your complete shipping address so that we can make sure that the second package arrives safely.