EnemaSupply.com Acquires EnemaEquipment.com - June 5, 2013
EnemaSupply.com, the world's most complete enema retail store has announced the recent acquisition of EnemaEquipment.com. The combined site will meet the needs of all enema customers with a large selection of enema solutions.EnemaSupply.com has long tried to maintain the world's largest selection of enema supplies and equipment. With over 100 different enema related items, the selection on the site is unparalleled. EnemaEquipment.com had a similar but smaller selection of merchandise. There was no longer room in a crowded retail marketplace for two enema-related specialty stores.
It is expected that the majority of EnemaEquipment.com's customers will migrate over EnemaSupply.com.
Tom Nardone of PriveCo Inc. and EnemaSupply.com is available for questions or conversations at 1-800-809-0610.